Welcome to Military Science
For more than 50 years, Army ROTC has prepared pg电子下载 students to serve as leaders in the U.S. Army, Army Reserves, and Army National Guard. You have the opportunity to join more than 470 graduates who have been commissioned as second lieutenants, with many of them going on to distinguished military careers. Develop the character and leadership skills you need to serve your country and your profession through Army ROTC, supported by scholarships or stipends for eligible students. While on campus, you’ll have the opportunity to provide color guard support at athletic events and to engage in community service events.
Army ROTC is an elective curriculum you take along with your required college classes. It gives you the tools, training and experiences that will help you succeed in any competitive environment. Along with great leadership training, Army ROTC can pay for your college tuition. Because Army ROTC is an elective, you can participate your freshman and sophomore years without any obligation to join the Army. You will have a normal college student experience like everyone else on campus, but when you graduate, you will be commissioned as an Officer in the Army. At that point, you will have a wide range of interest areas you can specialize in called branches.
The Basics
- Cadets are broken down by Military Science (MS) level
- MS levels are generally aligned with academic years
o MS I = Freshmen
o MS II = Sophomore
o MS III = Junior / 1st Year Grad Student
o MS IV = Senior / 2nd Year Grad Student
- Cadets are given increasing responsibilities as they progress through the MS levels
The Cadet Career
- MS I
o Primary focus on learning about the Army, customs, ranks, teamwork, leadership & personal development, etc.
o Primary focus is on learning basic Army skills and tactical leadership
o First leadership responsibilities (Team Leader)
- Basic Camp
o 31 Day Course at Ft Knox, KY
o Helps prepare Cadets for the Advanced Course
o Teaches basic Soldier individual skills
o Primary focus is honing basic Army and team leadership skills
o Platoon-level leadership position (Platoon Leader, Platoon Sergeant, Squad Leader, etc)
o Prepare for Advance Camp and accessions
- Advanced Camp
o A 45 day course at Ft Knox, Kentucky
o All cadets from across the US must attend
o Normally the summer between MSIII and MSIV year
- Accessions
o Process that the Army uses to decide where each Cadet will serve (Active, National Guard, Reserves)
o Cadets selected for Active Duty will also compete for their branch (Infantry, Armor, etc.)
o Results released in the Fall semester of MS IV year
o Lead the Battalion, Leadership in a Complex World
o Prepare to be commissioned Officers in United States Army
- MS V
o Cadets who have completed the ROTC curriculum but need additional semesters to complete their degree
What is Braves Cadet?
- Physically, mentally, emotionally fit
- Possesses strong moral character
- Campus and community leader
- Does the right thing even when no one is looking
- A model student: Academically on track
- Ambassador of our military and Nation
- Lives by the Army Values: Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless Service, Honor, Integrity and Personal Courage
- Treats people with respect and dignity
- Always a team player
- Leads by example
- Strive for Excellence
- Cadets may complete the first two years of training with no obligations
- Cadets must “contract” prior to becoming a MS III
- Contracting can be done at almost any time
- There are many different Contracting options
o Scholarship
o Guaranteed Reserve Forces Duty (GRFD)
o Non-scholarship
o Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP)
- Contracted Cadets must:
o US Citizen
o Maintain a 2.0 GPA (semester and cumulative)
o Maintain a full time student status
o Be medically qualified
o Pass the Army Physical Fitness Test
o Maintain Height and Weight Standards
o Continue in the ROTC Program
o After graduation, serve 4 years Active or 8 years Reserves
- Cadets may have to pay back money or serve in the Army if they disenroll from ROTC after contracting
![pg电子下载 ROTC logo - military science program](/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/78808717_2601086273307171_8395010357424291840_n.jpg)
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